1578 S Timesquare Ln, Boise

Comprehensive care for your overall wellness.

You deserve a healthy, beautiful smile - the team at Mountain State Dental Care provides personalized care solutions to help you get the smile you've always wanted.
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1578 S Timesquare Ln, Boise

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1578 S Timesquare Ln
Boise, ID 83709
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Your First Visit
Finding a new dental office can often be a challenge. We are here to help. Learn more about what to expect from your first visit to our dental office.
What to expect
Blake I. Dayley, DDS


Blake I. Dayley, DDS
The satisfaction of changing someone’s world through their smile is like no other. Throughout the years of working together, we have grown our livelihood from our first patients (our parents) to a thriving practice full of amazing people ranging from toddlers to seniors. Just as we have always done, we will continue to work toward our goal of changing and perfecting every smile we are fortunate to treat.

Quality, comfortable care.

Whether you need preventative care or want to correct your smile with cosmetic dentistry services, we are here to help you achieve your smile goals.

Dental Anxiety

We use several methods for alleviating dental anxiety and are here to make your visit as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry can repair and restore your smile, leaving you with a smile you love.


Get the beautiful, straight smile you've always wanted with Invisalign clear aligners.